Real-time SignalR and Angular 2 dashboard

tl;dr Check out my new SignalRDashboard GitHub repo Followup post: Getting started with SignalR For a while now, I’ve had that burning curiosity to do more than just the bit of hacking around with SignalR that I’d previously done. I wanted to actually start building something with it. If you’re not familiar with it, SignalR is a: …library for ASP.NET developers that makes developing real-time web functionality easy. It provides a simple way to have two-way communication between the client and server; the server can push updates/data to any connected client. [Read More]

ASP.NET MVC Performance Profiling

Building up a profile of how a web application functions, all the database interactions that take place and where the server-side time is spent during a request can be a challenging task when you are new to an existing codebase. If you’re trying to address the generic/non-specific “we need to improve performance / it’s slow” issue, you need to get a good picture of what is going on and where to prioritise effort. [Read More]